Susan Pie
The Power of “3”
Congratulations, everyone! We are in a “3” cycle of creation and manifestation. This is an incredibly powerful year, and one that challenges us to go beyond our comfort zone. “3” dares us to bring to life our hopes, dreams and wishes. It’s the “pop of color,” the zesty flavor added to your favorite food or…
Read MoreAndean Portals of Healing
Last month darling Steve and I traveled to Peru with the “Cosmics,” as our friend Julia refers to us, to study with the wonderful and humble Willaru Huyata. Willaru is a teacher of ancient Incan mysteries and gnostic spirituality. We were fortunate to have him with us during our entire journey. We traveled to sacred…
Read MoreValuing Self and Others
Welcome to late fall and the metal element. The color is white – the yin organ is lung and the yang organ is large intestine. To me, metal is similar to the swords suit in the tarot – all about the mind – what we think – what we ruminate over and how we process things through – do…
Read MoreRise Above …
So often we encounter personal challenges – or for that matter, challenges that seemingly don’t directly affect us but we witness them affecting others – that hook us on the line. As we are pulled down and out of our comfort and complacency, we may feel anger, sadness, fear, or we may even shut down.…
Read MoreCreative Vision into Action
Welcome to the Wood element time of year – spring – it’s ALL about action! The Water element which governs Winter has thawed and (hopefully) is flowing to support assertiveness, right timing, and direction of our creative vision. The color of the Wood element is green – in all of its displays – currently my…
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