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Rise Above … 

So often we encounter personal challenges – or for that matter, challenges that seemingly don’t directly affect us but we witness them affecting others – that hook us on the line. As we are pulled down and out of our comfort and complacency, we may feel anger, sadness, fear, or we may even shut down.

“Rise above it all,” seems like a simplistic response to some really difficult times. In fact, we may even tell ourselves that, but do we believe it and practice it?

Whether you are adept at meditation, or someone who is new, you are invited to practice the following: in your meditative state, ask for the expansiveness of Spirit to fill you, and for you to rise to the infinity of the universe. Any and all challenges – personal, global, physical, mental, emotional or even spiritual – cannot expand with you because they are finite, fixed points of time and space. See them dissolve into the infinity of the universe – or better yet, ask Spirit to transform them for the highest good.

We are limited only by how we define ourselves. Let go and be infinite.

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