Creative Vision into Action
Welcome to the Wood element time of year – spring – it’s ALL about action! The Water element which governs Winter has thawed and (hopefully) is flowing to support assertiveness, right timing, and direction of our creative vision.
The color of the Wood element is green – in all of its displays – currently my favorite! Wood challenges us to look at and heal anger and belligerence – blame, criticism, judgment, as well as the times when we do not stand up for what’s right, and feel “bamboozled” by … well, you can fill in the blank any way you’d like.
The virtues of Wood include benevolence – seeing things from a higher mind – raising our consciousness to a place where we can evolve, learn and grow – align with our direction and purpose, self-esteem and self-worth – knowing Who We Are – and empowering us all to manifest that inner plan for our lives!